A lodge at Labor

What does it mean to be a lodge at labor? As Masons we must ask ourselves if the work we do is worthwhile and accomplishing what we set out to accomplish. Anyone can take a chisel to stone and imprint a mark, but does that mark have meaning and does it have purpose? If we are to call ourselves masters we must not only toil but also have something to show for our work. Our efforts must result in a better world. I see in Freemasonry today a lot of angst as to what we are doing. Are we spending too much, does the work we do matter, is Freemasonry even relevant anymore? The answer to this is simple; are you doing the meaningful work so that the lodge resources are being put to good use? Are you doing meaningful work that has an impact on your community? Are you laboring for the good of humanity so that when your community looks at your lodge they can say Freemasonry is in fact relevant? If you can answer yes then keep up the good work! Now it is great that we know what to do, but now let us ask ourselves what the nitty gritty of how to do it. The secrets are held within our symbols it is true, but I would like to add this one bit that I think is often overlooked. A beehive is successful because many bees make for easy work. It is not one bee, but the whole swarm that makes the buzz. When we go to the quarries we must remember that one Fellowcraft cannot do it by himself. A good man will try to bear that burden but to be truly successful we need several hammers swinging together, and more so we need them to be swinging for one singular cause. Brothers we need to work together and be together. We need to sacrifice a little bit of our time our talents and our resources that what we hold dear flourishes. We need to get to the Quarries and labor for the good of humanity. We need to build the temple!